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"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."

Albert Einstein

92 Productions by syddid ~ freelance artist / marketing

When it comes to cliches, pretty much everyone has heard “there is no I in team.” But when it comes to creating, the “I” is vital. Whether that “I” is subjective, objective, or reflective it is an integral part of the growing stages of an idea. We give birth to our imagination. We raise it with love and devotion. We set it free to take on a life of its own.


Where clients are concerned, though, we nurture their imagination and bring to fruition the “baby” we help to groom and model for them. We take the “I” that they envision and teach it to breathe, to take it’s first steps, to travel the world with their eyes, and to come back home all the richer. We become their voice. But only if we truly understand their “I.”


The cycle of life begins and ends with taking your client’s “I” and expressing it through their brand. See for them. See with them. Feel what they feel. Help the world to feel what they feel. Remembering always that the “I” is a combined effort. It is not solely your interpretation or their interpretation. You cannot successfully and authentically sell them on something that is all about you. Nor can you mislead them to believe their personality and spirit will permeate within a campaign if you do not help them find their “I” in creative.


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