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“My crown is called content,
a crown that seldom kings enjoy”

William Shakespare

Telling a great story is like making the perfect cup of tea, it is an art.

92 Productions by syddid ~ freelance artist / marketing

I fell into a hole

that swallowed me up

and spit me out

in places unknown

On the way down

I reached for steady ground

or a root to stop my fall

But each time

my hand came back empty

The minutes,

the hours,

the days

the weeks

and the years slipped by

I crawled around

and felt for something sound

I looked so hard to find me

in the gravel and the sand



~ syd



I write words. I write them in ways they will not be forgotten.
I create. I take designs and ideas from start to finish.
I spread positivity. I do it with conviction.
I tell stories. I captivate my audience.

In the details ~

Details ~ well, that is one of my

favorite words.  I love to write. Write

in great detail, and I try to capture

that essence of information in my

images as well.


I want my shots to speak where I do

not. To formulate the words that my

pen has turned over to my lens. I am

all about details and always will be.


From the smallest of elements to the darkest corners.

Even the most obvious of a subjects detail should emanate and catch our eye. Though sometimes that detail may actually be muted by shadows, it should still be there.

reflecting on my photography
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