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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go"

T.S. Eliot

92 Productions by syddid ~ freelance artist / marketing

sydney m conover

Narcissism is a trait that will leave you with an empty plate. Miss Me Give Me Mine is not someone you want to invite to dinner or introduce to friends. Let alone take to a business meeting.


Be willing to learn from your mistakes and your successes. As well as those of others. Life and business are fueled by constant growth and change. Never sit stagnantly by.


If your vision is cloudy or the waters look murky invest in better wipers. Leading yourself astray is not a road you want to head down. If you are not seeing things clearly connect the dots until you do. Even if that means creating a new beginning or forging a more defined path to the ending you seek.

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